Most of us will encounter storm emergencies at one time or another. Nature's storms can surprise us, forcing us to face a set of circumstances completely outside the normal pattern of our daily lives.
Although it is impossible to know exactly how a flood, hurricane, or other storm emergency will play out, by taking the time to prepare for these extreme situations ahead of time, we greatly improve our chances of getting through them safely.
Read our articles below to learn about the causes and impact of different types of extreme weather events, along with tips on how to prepare for these emergencies before they occur.
General Flood Information
Flood Information - Learn about the conditions that contribute to floods.
Flood Preparation - Tips to help you prepare for a flood.
Flood Database - Statistics on the most extensive floods in the world.
Flood Story - The story of the 2013 Boulder, Colorado Flood.
Hurricanes and Floods
Hurricanes and Floods - A look at the double threat posed by hurricanes, along with the floods they cause.
Hurricane Preparation - Learn how to prepare for hurricanes.
Earthquakes and Floods
Earthquake Information - Statistics on the world's worst earthquakes.
Earthquakes and the Dangers they Bring - The mechanics of how earthquakes deliver their destruction.
Earthquake Preparation - Steps to take before, during, and after an earthquake.
Food Safety and Floods
Food Safety - Food safety during floods and other emergencies.
Long Term Flood Consequences
Floods and Mold - Tips on preventing mold after a flood.
Floods & Structural Damage -Learn how floods can damage the structural integrity of your house.
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Image source: Don Becker, USGS)